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  • Writer's pictureLiz

Spring Ahead With CBD!

As a Pittsburgh native, Spring is EVERYTHING! Especially when we gain that extra hour of daylight like we just did! I can hang up my cross pendant and wooden stake, warmth is near!! Sunshine, fresh air, and CBD? What better time to start fresh than when the vitamin D is abundant and we have daylight on our side? CBD can help ease you into a springtime routine for better health and wellness, and help ensure that you're not yelling at the neighbors' kids or barking dogs all summer

How can CBD make the Spring transition a bit easier?

  • Allergies, ugh! They're back! CBD has been shown to act as an antihistamine, as well as being a bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory. CBD can also help regulate our immune response to allergens. These are all beneficial in helping those suffering from seasonal allergies.

  • Energy! We need to shake out those winter blues! CBD works to help our body maintain balance and is a great sleep aid. Fatigue and trouble sleeping are signs of a serotonin or dopamine imbalance. By using a CBD regimen, you're improving your quality of sleep, but also restoring balance to your body, resulting in more energy.

  • Aches and pains. With spring comes rain, and unfortunately some people experience a lot of joint pain with weather changes. Being that CBD is such a strong anti-inflammatory (inflammation is the root of a lot of pain) and can also help with pain management, it can be a good option for weather related joint pain. This also rings true for muscle aches and pains. Spring is a great time to start a new workout regimen as well, CBD can help ease your body into an exercise routine by helping your muscles recover a little easier.

  • Mood. Don't be a moody Judy when everyone is out there having fun in the sun! CBD has anxiolytic properties and as previously mentioned, regulates balance within our bodies. When everything is balanced, we tend to be much calmer and happier people. CBD can help give you the push that you need to get out of the house to start your day. Once you're out and about, you are happier, less stressed, and more motivated! All of those are the perfect springtime cocktail for a great mood!

See how this all comes full circle? CBD for president! But seriously, M.E.G.A., Make. Earth. Green. Again! The cannabis plant, hemp specifically has so many potential benefits! Everything from pain relief and boosting your mood, to healthier sleep patterns and more energy. Ladies, CBD can even help regulate our hormones! I've always said that happiness is like the oxygen mask on a plane, if you aren't happy first, you cannot contribute to other people's happiness. So why not be the best version of yourself so that you can shine that onto others! What better way to slide into Spring than being happy and healthy? What are you waiting for?!

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