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Self Quarantined? How CBD Can Help

Updated: Mar 19, 2020

CBD and Isolation

Being inside for an extended period of time is going to be difficult for anyone. Throw in a couple of kids or a work from home position and cortisol levels will definitely be climbing. With gyms being closed, our physical and mental health can suffer, with concerts and events being cancelled, our social lives suffer, and with all of those things, businesses and our jobs are also suffering. Other issues may also begin to surface after you've been hunkered down in your house or apartment for a few days. We all start to get a little stir crazy and anxious, maybe we start binge eating, and get lazy, but it doesn't have to be that way! There are some ways that CBD can help us get through this precautionary self-quarantine. Let's get into how we can #quarantineandchill

Anxiety/Depression- I know that a lot of us are worried about losing our jobs, schools being cancelled, businesses closing and more. CBD can help us become less anxious, as it is a natural anxiolytic and binds with receptors directly responsible for anxiety, much like the pharmaceutical drug, buspirone. CBD can also regulate the serotonin and dopamine levels in our brains, helping with the depression and anxiety that some are experiencing right now. It is very important to make your mental health as much a priority as the toilet paper and frozen chicken you're buying, a deteriorated mental state will be far more dangerous than using a paper towel to wipe with.

Stress/Irritability- Moms, I'm here with you. Our nerves are being tested every which way, everyone is hungry and wants 3.2 million snacks an hour and we can't leave the house! Even those who aren't parents, the stress and irritability are there! I get it and CBD is a lifesaver! CBD can help regulate our cortisol and serotonin levels, where too much or too little of either chemical can have a negative impact on our moods. Being balanced chemically will allow us to see the light at the end of the tunnel, to access our internal tools that will help us battle the stress being induced not only now, mid pandemic, but during every day life moving forward.

Binge Eating-SNACKS ON SNACKS ON SNACKS! But seriously, my apartment is the most stocked it's ever been. Eating can trigger the release of dopamine (the feel-good chemical) in our brains, more dopamine means you want more of that reward that triggered the feeling in the first place, more of that reward means just one more handful of Doritos. CBD can regulate dopamine levels, evening out the release of the feel good chemical will allow us to better control what and how much we're consuming.

Motivation/Energy- We're all struggling a little bit with motivation and getting ourselves up and moving. It's hard to get that object in motion when we're used to a daily routine that suddenly stops. CBD can help with our energy level in a couple ways. It has been found that CBD can induce the metabolism through fat browning, which allows our bodies to utilize the energy rather than store it. CBD also plays a part in regulating our insulin levels by activating the peroxisome proliferator activated receptors(PPARs). Once the PPARs are activated, they can control insulin availability, lipid uptake, and energy control.

Soreness/Aches- Soreness and aches can come from being too sedentary, starting an at home exercise regimen, or even from an illness similar to COVID-19 or the flu. CBD can reduce the build up of lactic acid in muscles and naturally reduce inflammation. The strong anti-inflammatory properties of CBD come from it's ability to possibly inhibit an enzyme called COX2. Traditional NSAIDs also target this enzyme, but with some potentially dangerous side effects. While CBD may not be able to totally replace NSAIDs (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.), it is important to know that it is a natural, safe option to consider when trying to control inflammation and reduce aches, pains, and muscle soreness.

Immune System-While still being researched, CBD shows very promising results of being able to boost and regulate our immune system and immune responses. It can inhibit the production of cytokines which act as a pro-inflammatory. CBD can also help when our immune system becomes hyperactive or weakened, this is done by CBD working to promote homeostasis within our endocannabinoid system, therefore within our bodies. CBD has also been shown to exhibit anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties which can not only be beneficial for those with weakened immune systems, but may also possibly prevent certain viruses from flaring up (like cold sores or warts for example).

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy

Everything tends to operate a bit smoother when in balance, which is why starting a CBD regimen can be so important right now, even to the healthiest of individuals. We're all going through a rough time currently. There's a lot of uncertainty, and a lot of gray areas that we never even thought could turn gray. However with the right plan moving forward, we will get through it. We don't have to let the quarantine consume our souls as well as our "luxury freedoms". You don't have to live in a period of darkness just because you can't leave the house. CBD can help us fight through our anxiety, manage our stress and even help us get started with a new workout routine from home! This too shall pass, and when it does, we will all be stronger, smarter, and better prepared than we were before. It's important to keep yourselves and your families safe during this crucial time. CBD very well may be your sunshine in a bottle, or a gummy, or a capsule! Be smart. Stay safe. Be kind. Stay medicated!

*I am not, nor will I ever, claim that CBD can or will cure Coronavirus, COVID-19, influenza, or any other condition or illness. With that being said, I hope that everyone is taking the necessary precautions and protecting themselves during these unnerving and ever changing times. Please follow the CDC's recommendations and consult your doctor before starting a CBD regimen.


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