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My Kid Accidentally Ate CBD, Now What?!

One of your kids found your CBD gummies and snuck a few, now what do you do?! DON’T PANIC! They will not get high and they cannot overdose! CBD is generally very safe! So, try to relax, take a deep breath, and know that you are not alone! I, too, know that moment of sheer panic when your lovely angel baby ingested something they shouldn’t have, whether it be dog poop (yes, it’s happened) or a CBD gummy (which has also happened). And if we’re being honest dog poop is probably way more dangerous than CBD.

Now that you have calmed down a bit, let’s look at what could happen if a child ingests too much CBD or CBD at all. Typically, they will just feel more relaxed than usual and fall asleep. Yep, that’s about it. I have heard of some instances where too much CBD has given kids a burst of energy, but most instances and from what I personally have experienced with my own children, sleepiness is the extent of “too much” CBD. Our bodies, young and old, have a system that produces cannabinoids. It is because of those naturally occurring endocannabinoids that the body cannot “overdose” on cannabis, more importantly, CBD. Also, someone who consumes CBD or too much CBD will not and cannot get high! THC is the psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis, CBD is not. THC is present in some formulations of CBD (CBD Formulations Explained) but not nearly enough to cause a psychoactive effect. Not to mention, CBD is known to counteract some effects of THC, making it even less possible to feel “high”. Regardless of how much CBD was consumed, the overall side effects would be increased relaxation and drowsiness.

With the general safety of CBD noted above, I wanted to say that I personally give my boys a small dose of CBD every night before bed. Some things I have noticed since starting them on a regimen; less anxiety for my older son, more restful sleep, lessened frequency of cold sores, shorter duration of illness on the few occasions they do get sick, and more. CBD can be used as a safer alternative for melatonin and other common over the counter drugs that are often suggested to parents for their children.

All in all, CBD is probably one of the safer things in a home that a kid can get into. However, that does not mean that we need to have it out in plain sight within their reach. Be sure to store it with other medications or vitamins and to keep it out of the reach of tiny hands. While CBD won’t hurt you or them, it does need to be taken responsibly like any other medication to avoid ill wanted effects.


*It’s important to note that I am writing this as a mom first and a CBD consultant second. While I am confident in giving my children CBD because of my knowledge about CBD, please be sure to check with your child’s doctor before beginning a CBD regimen. Also, if you ever fear your child ingested something they shouldn’t have, contact your local poison control center. I will try and answer any questions you may have, but I am not a medical professional!*

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