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  • Writer's pictureLiz

Move Over Booze, There's a New Bud in Town!

Wine About it or Weed it Out?

What if you swapped your wine out for cannabis? Yep, good ole’ fashioned bud. It’s not what you’re thinking (we’ll get to that later), but CBD! Imagine more patience with your children, less bloat, and more energy! Does wine do that? Maybe temporarily, but the long-term effects may be unwelcomed for years to come. Moms this one is aimed towards you. YES, wine is good, white claws are fabulous, and vodka and water with a lemon is totally refreshing! But what if you could be “legally” coherent during the most stressful hours of your day? What if you could take the edge off but still be able to drive your vehicle or handle an emergency shall it arise? Cannabis allows that. CBD allows that. Even medicinal marijuana when used responsibly allows that. I’m not saying to ditch wine or alcohol completely, and I’m certainly not insinuating that anyone is less than for drinking wine or that you should drive after toking. I’m just saying that what if it were possible for you to experience some of what you turn to wine for, without the calories or hangover?

You keep saying cannabis, so are you talking about weed? Not necessarily, cannabis isn’t only ‘weed’. Cannabis includes hemp and marijuana, so when I’m speaking of ‘cannabis’, I am speaking of both marijuana products (weed) AND/OR hemp products (CBD). Marijuana products will usually give you that little “buzz” that alcohol gives you, hemp products such as CBD will not. If you choose to go the medicinal (or depending on your state, recreational) marijuana route, it has its own benefits, but can also have unpleasant or unwanted side effects. If you’re an inexperienced marijuana user, it can take you a few times to figure out which strain and consumption method works best for you before you start to feel results, however, if you are a seasoned user, you probably know what works for you and how to manage it. Marijuana (weed) contains much higher (ha!) amounts of THC than hemp does. The THC in marijuana is what produces the psychoactive effects, also known as; being high, stoned, baked, etc. On the opposite end of marijuana, is hemp derived CBD. CBD is now legal in all fifty states. The great thing about CBD is that it offers you the feelings of calmness, patience, and relaxation, without the high, or the buzz! You may hear of CBD being called “diet weed” or that it’s fake, or snake oil. But think about this, if THC makes you high, and works chemically within your body, why wouldn’t the other constituents in the cannabis work within your body as well? I like to think of CBD as my medicine, and THC (marijuana) as my ‘wine’ or alcoholic beverage for a little pick me up. There are some issues that CBD doesn’t totally take care of, when that’s the case, the use of THC medicinally shows promising results for a vast array of conditions and ailments.

Fall is here and so are report cards, school nights, spiked cider, and pumpkin beer, and red wine. Although, that pumpkin beer might not be needed to offer a calm and relaxing Autumn Day when there are other options for stress, anxiety, and depression relief. CBD or other cannabis derivatives can be great alternatives for anxiety and depression, as explained here . Not only will you be calm, but you will be ready to tackle anything that a kid, adult, or life can throw at you, (which could be anything from a bad week at work or a kid with a split lip). While one drink won’t leave you physically stumbling, it’s still dangerous to drive under the influence of any alcohol. Luckily, CBD isn’t debilitating or inebriating in any way, so you’ll be safely ready to go if any situation shall arise. Hopefully it’s neither of the situations mentioned, but if you have boys like I do, you truly never know! So, move over wine, there’s a new bud in town!

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