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Full Spectrum Or Full Of It?

Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum, Isolate OH MY!

While shopping for or while researching CBD, you may have come across labels or products that mention something such as full spectrum CBD, broad spectrum CBD, and CBD isolate. These products are not created equally and should be treated as such. Each one is beneficial in its own way, but you may not achieve the exact same results, as they are formulated differently.

The "Entourage Effect"

First let’s look at how cannabinoids work with one another and within our bodies. All humans, animals, and plants have an endocannabinoid system. This system is used to regulate other systems and to promote homeostasis within the body. We have cannabinoid receptors throughout our bodies, which is what makes CBD beneficial to us, even our skin has cannabinoid receptors! There are two main cannabinoid receptors, CB1 receptors, which are present within both the central and peripheral nervous systems. These regulate pain, mood, sleep, and appetite, along with many other bodily functions. Then there are the CB2 receptors which are found within our immune system, which helps regulate not only our immunity, but also our digestive system, spleen, and tonsils to name a few. There are over 100 different cannabinoids in the hemp plant, CBD and THC being the most popular or commonly known ones. The cannabinoids all work synergistically together in what’s known as the “entourage effect.” Simply put, the cannabinoids are more powerful and effective when together, then when separate. Now that we have some background on how cannabinoids work, let’s dive into what it means to have a “spectrum” product.

Full Spectrum CBD

A full spectrum hemp derived CBD product will be from the hemp plant in its natural form, in its entirety. The hemp plant has over 700 constituents, over 110 of those being the previously mentioned, ever so lovely, cannabinoids. All constituents (terpenes, etc.) will be present in a full spectrum CBD product. The hemp plant does have trace amounts of THC present, less than 0.3%. The THC works with the other cannabinoids synergistically (remember the entourage effect), making it a full spectrum product, the most potent form of CBD. You cannot have a full spectrum product without THC. The low THC content is also what differentiates hemp from marijuana and is what makes hemp legal to grow, buy, sell, and consume in all 50 states. It is important to note that the trace amounts of THC present in the hemp plant will not and cannot get you ‘high’.

Broad Spectrum CBD

Broad spectrum CBD products are almost the same as full spectrum products except there is no detectable THC in these products. This means that after the (full spectrum) oil was extracted from the hemp plant, they used microtechnology to go back into the oil and very carefully extract the THC out of the oil leaving all of the other cannabinoids and terpenes intact. Another way is to start with a CBD isolate and re-introduce the constituents aside from the THC. This is done for different reasons, most commonly because of employment or other drug testing. Another reason would be if someone is looking for relief from a condition or ailment that may not necessarily benefit from the THC in the product, like some mental health conditions for example. And it’s important to know that you are not getting a lesser quality product by using broad spectrum CBD, you’re just not getting that extra boost of the THC that may aid in certain conditions.

CBD Isolate

CBD isolate is just that, ONLY the cannabinoid of CBD (cannabidiol). It is 99.9% pure CBD and is much cheaper to buy, manufacture, and re-sell. CBD isolate is not going to offer the range of benefits that a full or broad spectrum CBD product can give you but can still provide relief with some ailments if dosed correctly. You’ll commonly find CBD isolate in products like edibles (gummies), tinctures, and topicals. In terms of the edibles, it’s easier to dose with a CBD isolate as opposed to a spectrum CBD product, and is not uncommon to see. More common than not actually.

The CBD Difference

As we've learned, not all CBD is created the same. Full spectrum CBD is the full panel of cannabinoids with THC present (less than 0.3%), broad spectrum CBD is the full spectrum of the cannabinoids but with THC removed, and CBD isolate is only CBD. I like to say that THC is like the Pitbull of cannabinoids, some are nervous to try it in their CBD products because of the stigma behind it, some are just misinformed, but if you treat THC responsibly, it’s not going to hurt you and may even help! The THC and other cannabinoids can be just as important to your daily health and wellness as CBD can! I personally would recommend a full or broad spectrum CBD product, based simply on the fact that it’s the hemp plant in its natural form, nothing added, nothing subtracted (aside from THC in the broad spectrum). However, I will say that if CBD isolate is what’s available to you, and you’re finding relief from it, GOOD! It’s better to get a daily CBD in isolate form than to not use CBD at all. There is still so much to learn about CBD and cannabinoids in general and I can't wait to see what's to come so that I can share it with you guys! Don't forget to subscribe to the website so that you don't miss my future posts!

[this wheel shows what a full spectrum product entails and can aid with]

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA

*Please consult your healthcare provider before starting a CBD regimen

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