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CBD For Pets

CBD For Pets

Our pets are like our babies, so we always want to make sure we're doing what's best for them. Whether it be a dog or a cat, animals also experience medical conditions and common issues that can be very similar to human ailments. When thunderstorms are rolling in, or you're about to leave for work, or maybe you're bringing a new baby home, CBD can help calm and prepare your pet for these types of situations. Animals, like humans, also have an endocannabinoid system which makes CBD a safe option when trying to give your furry family members the relief that they deserve!

How Can CBD Help My Pet?

Some common issues that CBD can help your pet with are: anxiety, motion sickness, joint issues, seizures, and more. We'll go over each of these briefly to help you understand a little better how CBD can help your pet!

Anxiety- Pets suffer from anxiety much like humans do, this can be due to separation, thunderstorms, car rides, a new environment, or just generalized anxiety. CBD is a natural anxiolytic. This means that CBD can naturally inhibit anxiety and related behaviors in not only humans, but pets too! Some ways animals exhibit anxiety are by barking/meowing or panting excessively, vomiting, or destroying their owners' things. CBD can lessen the anxiety to hopefully prevent these behaviors.

Seizures- Idiopathic Epilepsy is the most common cause of seizures in dogs. They do not know the exact cause, but do know that it is an inherited disorder. Seizures often occur at times of changing brain activity, such as when the dog is falling asleep or waking up, during feeding times, or at times of excitement/anxiety. Seizures in our pets can be caused by electrolyte or blood abnormalities (low blood sugar), brain tumors, or cancer. CBD can help provide relief for your pet's seizures as it is a natural antispasmodic and anticonvulsant. CBD also promotes balance within the endocannabinoid system which can help to regulate blood sugar and shows promise of cancer/tumor prevention.

Joint Pain/Arthritis-The main cause of joint pain in our pups is inflammation. Joint pain is typically caused by some form of arthritis, whether it be osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis is caused by immune responses that attack joint tissue, lining, or the joint as a whole. This then causes excess inflammation, which leads to what can be very intense pain! CBD is very commonly known and recommended for its anti inflammatory properties. Starting your pet on CBD early on can help prevent inflammation from happening and can help keep it at bay or combat it if already present. CBD also helps to regulate immune function making it beneficial for potential prevention and treatment of arthritis, and can even help with allergies!

Is CBD Safe for My Dog (or Cat)?

While CBD is overall safe for our pets, we do need to be be mindful that much research hasn't been done yet on whether or not THC (the psychoactive cannabinoid in marijuana) is safe for consumption by animals. We also know that some preservatives such as xylitol are not safe for dogs. Because of the unknown, it's important check the ingredients and to be sure that the product you are using is a broad spectrum or isolate CBD product for your pet, this means that there is no THC present. These dog treats are a tried and true product that are safe and effective! Keeping our furry friends safe and healthy is always the main goal, and when they are in pain or anxious they tend to be a little more difficult to deal with. They may start to have accidents inside, be a little more vocal than usual by barking or whining, or even start chewing or destroying your stuff! CBD can help make your life as a dog or cat parent a lot less stressful, just by having it in your corner (or cabinet). Starting your pet on a CBD regimen, or just having it on hand (and using it as needed) can help prevent, treat, or calm the pre-existing anxiety or pain that is causing them distress. Happy pets, happy owners, right?! So what are you waiting for?!


*Dosing will vary with different animals and body weight! Schedule a FREE CBD consultation for more specific dosing or ailment questions and get 10% off your first order! (This also applies to your human family members!) Also talk with your vet before trying CBD if your pet has any existing conditions or is on medication currently.

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