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Can CBD Really Help With Anxiety?

Updated: Aug 17, 2020

Feeling Anxious?

Whether it’s nerves because of a job interview or sheer panic because you can’t find your wallet, we’ve all experienced anxiety at least once in our lives. Sweaty palms, feelings of dread, and anxiety ridden thoughts have reared their ugly little heads at some point. Unfortunately, some of us feel like this every single day and now due to recent events, many people are experiencing higher levels of anxiety whether they have a diagnosed condition or not. This may be a new feeling for some, and they may not know how to handle it which can be scary. Anxiety disorders do not discriminate and can affect any person at any time, but given the correct tools, anxiety can be and is manageable. We need to be mindful of the tools that we’re using however, as anxiety looks different for everyone, so what works for one person may not work for the other. CBD is an effective and safe way to help manage anxiety and associated symptoms, both generalized and panic related, with minimal to no side effects.

Managing Anxiety With CBD

Some of the symptoms a person may notice when experiencing anxiety or moments of panic are; trouble sleeping, G.I. issues, increased heartrate, sense of impending doom or danger, rapid breathing, irritability, and more. CBD can help manage a lot of the symptoms that anxiety brings to the surface. Nobody wants to feel anxious and on edge all the time so let’s get into how CBD can help ease some those symptoms.

Feeling of impending doom, panic, or danger- This feeling is triggered by our body’s ‘fight or flight’ response. This overall feeling can include feeling heart palpitations, tremors or shaking, and shortness of breath. CBD activates certain receptors that set a series of events into motion inside our bodies, which is how it works to aid in reducing anxiety. The 5-HT1A receptor (5-HT1AR) is an established anxiolytic target. The activation of this receptor along with increased anandamide production, and a few other chemical reactions, helps reduce our response to stress. CBD can help reduce heart rate, blood pressure, and can even promote fear extinction and conditioning to help with long term management of symptoms. CBD can also help with shaking or tremors because of its anticonvulsant and antispasmodic properties.

Insomnia/Trouble Sleeping- Being up all night worried about something is no way to end the day. Although, I know how difficult that can be, especially given the current events. CBD naturally lessens our stress and anxiety; less anxiety means better sleep. CBD also acts as a natural muscle relaxant, which will help our body to relax along with our brains, helping us to fall asleep a bit easier. There is still research to be done whether CBD is enough to act as a sleep aid alone. I personally find that CBD works great for sleep, as it provides my household with a restful sleep and a groggy free wake up!

Irritability- Being anxious can lead to very intense feelings of irritability and even anger at times. CBD works to help our bodies achieve and maintain balance. Serotonin, dopamine, and some hormones fall within that scope of balance looking to be achieved. When our brains are evened out, we tend to be a bit less agitated, a little more patient, and a lot more tolerant. Starting a daily CBD regimen can help you manage your irritability and allow you to go through life with a little less agitation, and a lot more smiles!

Nervous Stomach- Butterflies, nausea, urgency, and indigestion are some of the digestive issues someone may notice when experiencing anxiety, both onset and generalized. CBD acts as an antiemetic, meaning that it can help with nausea. It can also help to modulate acid in the stomach helping with heartburn, reflux, and indigestion. CBD plays a very large role in our digestive system which makes it a perfect candidate to help with this side effect of anxiety.

Don't Give Up!

Anxiety is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. The irritability, the stomach issues, and the lack of motivation are all too familiar to me. Anxiety has also allowed me to get where I am today. I wanted to feel better and I had to make a change, and CBD was my answer. After doing a lot of research, I decided that CBD would be a good addition to my daily regimen. Within 6 months of using CBD regularly I noticed a huge difference in my thoughts, actions, and feelings. I was also able to (safely) stop taking my prescription medication within that time. CBD can give you access to internal tools that you didn’t even know you had. Those tools allowed me to make changes that have made me a better mom, friend, and ultimately, a businesswoman. Living in a constant state of panic or dread is not only damaging to a person’s mental health, but it can affect relationships, friendships, and even careers. CBD can help you to manage your anxiety in a way that’s generally safe, effective, and well tolerated. I can’t say that CBD is the cure all, as nothing is, but it is a great option if you’re looking for a more natural approach to treating anxiety. CBD can be just what you need to get back to living your best life! Who knows, you may even become TikTok famous once that anxiety melts away! Remember to be smart, stay safe, be kind, and stay medicated!

*Note: Dosing will vary for each individual. Improper dosing or product misuse are the main reasons some think CBD isn't effective. This is why consulting with a CBD specialist or consultant is important. It's also advised to talk to your doctor before starting on a CBD regimen.

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