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Can CBD help me?

Updated: Feb 3, 2020

Is CBD For Me?

Many people are asking this question, especially since CBD is the latest trend in health, wellness, and beauty products everywhere! The short answer is; with its many potential health and wellness benefits, most anyone’s life can be enhanced from the use of CBD! We'll go through a few of the ways CBD can help benefit your body, lifestyle, and mind.

Common Uses Of CBD:

Anxiety - This is one of the most common reasons people are using CBD. CBD is an anxiolytic, meaning it has been clinically shown to reduce anxiety. CBD can potentially reduce anxiety caused by social situations, generalized anxiety disorders, and performance anxiety.

Inflammation - “You never realize how inflamed you are, until you’re not” That’s what I will always say about CBD. CBD can reduce general and overall inflammation in the body. Inflammation is the root of about 80% of our issues- from pain, to acne, to a more extreme issue such as gout. Less inflammation leads to less pain.

Everyday Pains - Pain due to injury, chronic illness, or even a headache can be helped by CBD. CBD works with our nervous system to help signal our endocannabinoid system, which then can help pain management.

Lack of Sleep/Energy - I know, sounds counterproductive, right? “CBD works how you work it.” Is another thing I always say. The same series of events that take place to reduce anxiety, also work to promote a restful sleep. If you are taking CBD to wind down for the evening, it can make you tired and relaxed, because that’s what your body needs in that moment, rest. And in the morning, CBD can give you that energy boost, because that fancy endocannabinoid system knows that you’re getting up and ready to start the day. Healthy, restful sleep means a healthy, energetic, productive day, again, who doesn’t want that?! And what a fantastic cycle to jump start!

What Is CBD?

CBD (cannabidiol) is a cannabinoid that is present in the hemp plant along with many other cannabinoids such as THC, being the more commonly known cannabinoid aside from CBD. Most CBD in America is hemp derived, unless purchased at a dispensary. Hemp and marijuana are not the same even though the cannabinoids are present in both plants. Think of them as cousins, sort of like iceberg and romaine lettuce. Hemp is federally legal to grow, buy, sell, and consume. The hemp plant has over 113 cannabinoids present in it, THC being one of those but with very trace amounts (less than 0.3%), and CBD being the most prevalent. By consuming CBD, the goal is to trigger our endocannabinoid system to help our bodies reach homeostasis. Basically, by taking exogenous CBD we’re working on getting our body “back to basics”.

The Quality Factor:

One of the most important factors in the use of CBD is its quality; the way that the hemp is grown, the way that the oils are extracted and how the products are manufactured. Make sure that you know the source of your hemp and ask to see third party lab result testing. You want your CBD to be pure, safe and effective. It's also important to take into consideration that there are a few different “formulations” of CBD. A full spectrum CBD product will have trace amounts of THC, as it’s the hemp plant in its entirety. A broad spectrum product will have 0% or no detectable THC, commonly used by those who get drug tested for work (usually after having a conversation with their employer regarding CBD). A CBD isolate is ONLY CBD, there are no other cannabinoids present. This is something that I’ll further discuss in a future post.

Feel your best!

A CBD regimen can help you to live a life with less pain and inflammation, less anxiety, and an overall feeling of happiness! Hopefully this brief summary has helped you determine if CBD can benefit your daily life. Is it the missing piece of the puzzle you’ve been looking for, or he pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Okay, maybe I’m being a little overzealous, but I’m passionate about the potential benefits of CBD so I get a little excited when talking about it on occasion! I hope you are just as excited to start your CBD journey; I truly believe it’s one that you’ll fall in love with!

Note: If you are currently on any medication, be sure to speak with your health provider before beginning a CBD regimen.

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